Mistress Gaia
Skype mistressgaiaAttention! To make sure you add the right contact to this camgirl (and not a fake) CLICK ON the above link, or on Skype right-click on the name of the girl and make sure that the 'Skype Name' is the one shown here. If she offers you off-site payments, you have added the wrong contact! We don't answer for problems if you don't follow these instructions.
- Registered by 21/03/2020
- Category Women
- Location Italia
- Languages Italiano, english
- Website www.mistress-gaia.com
- Twitter twitter.com/MistressGaia
I'm a Prodomme, I'm a Mistress, and you are only slaves. I will listen to you, I will let you open your heart and you'll surrender to me. Once in my hands you'll be happy to face your fears and your secret dreams. It's not important if it is your fist time, if you're experienced or if you have only dreamed about this world. I will win you trust and I will respect your limits. I'm gorgeous, strict and demanding. BDSM is my lifestyle. Domination is a part of me and of my everyday life.
I have a deep experience matured both in life (I have a 24/Ds relationship) and as a prodomme. Read carefully what I write, because I hate tell it twice. Look who I am and start to behave, be polite and submissive. Enter my kingdom and never forget that I'm the one in charge, always.
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Price: 10.99 €
CUSTOM REQUEST - I would like POV video with two five minute scenes. Sandals and barefoot. Basically for both you'd stand on a edge. You have pushed me off the edge and I’m grabbing on with my fingers. You are sick of me and did this to get rid of me, so to finish me off you step and twist and the occasional stomp on my fingers to make me let go and fall to my death. Sometimes talking about how your feet stink and are dirty and you ask me how much I like it. Also about how much you enjoy stepping on my fingers, and know how much pain I’m suffering when you're grinding on them. You also talk about how you hate me, and want me to let go…
Price: 14.99 €
custom request - Enter the scene and take off your dress and wrestle him around including scissorholds. While scissorholding him you force open his mouth and empty a condom with your lover's cum (e.g. cake icing, whipped cream, yoghürt etc.) into his mouth. You put him down on his back on the floor and straddle his face, telling him to smell the aroma from the hot sex you just had with your lover while facesitting him. Next, you lift him up like a baby and walk around with him. You temporarily take off your shoes and command him to worship your stockings clad feet, soles and legs. You briefly sit down and command he insert his cock between your stockings clad arches and begin to "fuck" your "foot pussy". You get up and command he helps you get your shoes back on. You briefly pick him up again to illustrate your superior female amazon power. You finally sit down and position him on your stockings clad thigh (just like in "Tiny Man Club", same position and camera angle, only with your thigh in between his thighs) and command him to jerk off. Shortly after you tell him your lovers cum was infused with liquid castration aid and provided your slave cannot refrain from cuming within the next five minutes he will be castrated...
This news makes him stop jerking. You command he continues as you want him to waste his balls and his final cum load spewing all over your stockings clad thighs and feet (he has to clean up his mess afterwards). When he still refuses, you tell him it doesn't matter, he should begin to feel the partial paralytic effect by now (which means he cannot move his arms nor resist your orders). You take over jerking his cock while rubbing your panties. You suggest you try to synchronise your orgasms (just to tease him, not literally). Finally he cannot refrain from cuming any longer and shoots his final load all over your stockings clad thighs and feet and you command him to clean up every last drop with his mouth and tongue. Afterwards you get up and leave him while laughing and humiliating him with the loss of his balls for your amusement...
Price: 14.99 €
CUSTOM REQUEST - The Scene: You are wearing a sexy sports bra and tight spandex shorts and you are barefoot. Little man is naked. You are angry and rough with him. The strap-on can be the best size for executing that scene (it doesn’t need to be extra large, just larger than his cock). You walk into view carrying him over your shoulder. You are angry and spank his ass while you hold him. You throw him down roughly then sit down in a chair and tell him to go over your lap so his feet and arms hang. Then you spank him several times, before pushing him off roughly and telling him to go get your strap-on. You stand up and tell him to put it on you. He slides it up your legs and fastens it on. You reach down and pull him roughly to stand up. You bend your knees so the dildo is next to his smaller hard cock. You rub the dildo around his cock, back and forth and tell him how small his cock is. Then you swing the dildo to smack his cock back and forth, telling him how weak his cock is. You shove him to the ground and make him suck your dildo. First he sucks himself, then you grab his head and fuck his mouth. Then you pull him back up, drag him across room and force him to bend over holding onto a table or chair. You begin to fuck his ass from behind. Gabing his legs and pull them up around you. Then you reach under his arms (or hold his hands and pull back) and lift him up and fuck him in the air...
Price: 7.99 €
My friend Miss Medea and I are so busy shooting videos that we don't even have time to stop to go to the bathroom. So we use a slave to piss in his mouth, but he immediately proves that he doesn't deserve this privilege. In fact, she can't keep all the piss in her mouth and spits it out. My friend, before finishing pissing, slaps him mercilessly. I, on the other hand, don't deserve my piss. Never go wrong with two Mistresses like us!
Price: 9.99 €
I enjoy trampling and destroying polystyrene and plastic bags with my boots. Hearing the sound of these things breaking shows how powerful my boots are. This is just a test, the real fun I will try to trample and destroy the slaves, balls, belly, back ... any part of your useless body must be trampled by my destructive boots!
Price: 9.99 €
Today I’m joined by my beautiful mistress friend, and we have tied our slave to the bench. We are really excited to inflict suffering on our bitch. We have chosen a couple of stiff canes for the job of giving him a severe whipping. There’s no warm up for him, as we get right into it. His squeals get both of us more excited as he wriggles and squirms from our painful strokes. It’s great fun to bring out the purple welts on his sorry ass as we deliver our version of Pain v Pain…
Price: 10.99 €
For some time now I have a toilet slave ready to come home when I have to shit. I'm training him to eat my shit, and every time he has to eat more and more. But today I warned him that he will have to eat it all if he wants to continue being my domestic toilet slave. After a few minutes he ate all my shit. Maybe next time I'll make him lick my dirty ass!
Price: 25.99 €
Tu sei una ladra professionista, tu hai saputo che una giovane coppia di ricconi e il loro figlio ventenne partiranno per le vacanze di natale, sai che lei possiede dei bellissimi gioielli e te ne vuoi impossessare,(outfit vedere foto allegate: foto outfit : body,collant neri,stivali,guanti di pelle,occhiali, capelli raccolti in una coda) quindi prendi tutto il necessario e lo metti in uno zainetto (cloroformio,fazzoletto,nastro adesivo,coltello,attrezzo per scassinare) quindi vai all’appartamento, dallo zainetto prendi un qualche cosa per scassinare la serratura della porta di entrata, entri silenziosa nell’ appartamento, cominci a cercare i gioielli, prima in soggiorno, frughi ovunque, poi vai verso la camera da letto dei genitori frughi e in un cassetto trovi qualche gioiello li metti nello zainetto , poi senti un rumore che viene da un’altra stanza, apri silenziosamente la porta chiusa , rimani sorpresa vedi il giovane figlio che dorme, tu dici” cazzo non ci doveva essere nessuno in casa … però non male il giovanotto bel fisico prestante,…magari se lo torchio un po’ riesco a farmi dire dov’è la cassaforte e prendere il resto dei gioielli …meno male che non mi muovo mai senza il cloroformio..”dallo zainetto prendi il fazzoletto e il cloroformio ,prepari il fazzoletto con il cloroformio, prendi anche il coltello, lasci a terra lo zainetto, e ti avvicini silenziosamente, poi metti il fazzoletto al cloroformio sul suo viso, “zitto non gridare o giuro che ti ammazzo, ti ho detto di non agitarti, ho ti taglio la gola , hai capito,respira profondamente, e solo del cloroformio non ti farà male, ti farà solo dormire per un po’, ecco bravo calmati vedo che comincia a fare effetto, bene così… ora dormi.”
Dallo zaino prendi del nastro o manette lo leghi e lo imbavagli, poi ti metti di fianco (foto inquadratura) a lui sdraiata sul letto, quando si sveglia , gli dici di stare tranquillo che è ben legato , d’altronde non ci doveva essere nessuno in casa , gli fai vedere il coltello, lo minacci , e gli dici che vuoi sapere dove è la cassaforte e la sua combinazione , così tu non ti devi sbattere per cercarla e scassinarla , tanto i gioielli sono assicurati, e tutti sono contenti, poi vedi una bozza crescere nelle sue mutande, tu gli dici “ ahh piccolo bastardello vorresti mica dirmi che la situazione ti sta eccitando…dovresti essere terrorizzato che una ladra è qui in casa tua e ti minaccia con un coltello di ucciderti… invece sembra che il tuo cazzo reagisca in un altro modo….bè come biasimarlo vedere una ladra professionista così elegante e sofisticata…è ovvio che te lo fa tirare , ti posso capire….con le mie gambe coperte da queste calze velate….questi stivali sexy …..le mie manine coperte da questi morbidissimi e profumati guanti di pelle….mmmm vediamo un poco questo cazzo…(prendi il dildo)” …rimani sorpresa dal suo bel cazzo duro come il marmo, e cominci a masturbarlo…lui si agita troppo…e gli fai respirare un poco di cloroformio…gli dici di stare buono e di non fare casino….che deve essere molto eccitante per lui questa situazione….che lui non avrebbe mai immaginato una sexy ladra e rapinatrice che lo violenta …e che lo minaccia di ucciderlo…..gli chiedi se gli piace la mano coperta dal guanto di pelle che che gli massaggia il cazzo….perchè nel tuo lavoro è molto importante indossare i guanti per non lasciare impronte digitali…tu li preferisci di pelle , lisci e aderenti alle tue mani , gli dici che è la prima volta che ti capita una cosa del genere…però è sempre stata una tua fantasia erotica… usare il fazzoletto con il cloroformio per rendere inermi le tue vittime…. ti piace tappare la bocca alle tue vittime per soffocare le loro grida di aiuto….e ti sei spesso immaginata in questa situazione …..e mentre stai vivendo la tua fantasia tu ti stai bagnando…. Lui fa dei mugolii di piacere ….tu gli tappi la bocca e gli dici di smetterla, o dovrai dargli altro cloroformio….lui si calma…dici che ti piace stringere e masturbare un giovane cazzo voglioso con le tue mani guantate ….tu dici che scommetti che la sua ragazza non gli ha mai fatto una cosa del genere…e che dopo questa avventura…dimenticherà la sua ragazza …anzi se la sua ragazza è di buona famiglia come la sua …potresti pensare di rapirla e chiedere un bel riscatto….anzi probabilmente è quello che farai…e sarà proprio lui a portarla da te….perchè di lui la troietta si fida….si dopo una lezione all’università…lu la accompagna verso casa e in una via isolata che lui ti ha indicato…tu li aspetterai…vicino alla tua lussuosa automobile…magari fumando sensualmente una sigaretta…e quando saranno vicino a te …tu ti fionderai su di lei tappandole bocca e naso con una stoffa intrisa di cloroformio….e le tue mani guantate soffocheranno le sue grida …lui rimarrà li impietrito senza fare nulla …mentre la troietta lo vedrà e con i suoi occhi terrorizzati gli chiederà aiuto …..ma lui è il tuo schiavo e non la aiuterà….anzi si ecciterà a vedere te ..mentre narcotizzi la sua ragazza e rendi il suo corpo inerme…per poi trascinarla e rinchiuderla nel bagagliaio della tua automobile ….e lui rimarra impalato davati a tutta la tua sensuale crudeltà…tu sai essere spietata e quando tu avrai avuto il riscatto…forse dovrai farla fuori…facendola soffocare con un sacchetto sulla testa….perchè non ti và di avere testimoni scomodi…e così lui nella sua mente avrà solo te , e dici che al pensiero di compiere un sequestrø ti sei eccitata , e che avresti quasi voglia di scoparlo…e forse anche lui spera che gli fai un pompino e lo scopi ….ma oggi non succederà però….oggi si dovrà accontentare di una bella sega guantata….gli dici che deve sapere che questi guanti sono di una ladra professionista,di una rapinatrice, e forse anche di una assassina… che li indossi sempre quando devi scassinare una serratura e compiere un furto…i tuoi lavori sono sempre puliti e senza lasciare tracce proprio grazie ai tuoi guanti…che se necessario possono soffocare una persona…o…impedire che si chieda aiuto stringendosi sulla bocca della tua vittima…magari con un fazzoletto intriso di cloroformio per fare svenire le tua vittima…proprio come tu hai fatto con lui…ti eccita il potere che questo ti dà…ti eccita vedere il terrore negli occhi delle tue vittime…. tu spesso non fai tutto questo solo per denaro ma anche per l’eccitazione che questo mestiere ti dà…ma se fa il bravo magari potrai andare a trovarlo qualche altra volta…forse quando la sua mamma..ricomprerà dei gioielli nuovi…e forse gli farai assaggiare la tua dolce figa…gli dici che l’idea che tu possa tornare a fatto diventare ancora più duro il suo cazzo….senti che sta per venire…ma non è arrivato ancora il momento…..allora ti fermi…e gli dici “facciamo così tu adesso mi dici dove si trova la cassaforte e la combinazione e io ti faccio fare una bella sborrata..” lui annuisce tu gli dici che adesso gli togli il nastro dalla bocca e se chiede aiuto lo ammazzi …perché tu non hai nessun problema a farlo…lui annuisce tu togli il nastro e lui ti dice tutto..” tu rimetti il nastro e gli dici ” se stato bravo adesso ti meriti che ti faccio sborrare per bene” fai un contdown e lui viene “ ecco bravo vedo che avevi un sacco di sborra in queste palle, svuotiamole per bene”poi dici ”ora devo proprio andare,è stata una serata interessante e con un bel bottino…chissà forse ci rivedremo” poi prendi ancora il fazzoletto con il cloroformio e lo metti sul suo viso tu dici”Dio quanto mi eccita narcotizzarti” e tutto diventa nero.
Price: 11.99 €
Today I'm with my beautiful Mistress friend in Milan. We have decided to punish our slave, he hasn't been bad we just like being sadistic to our pets. He is let out on a leash, and we give his ass a few painful slaps before locking him in his cage. Once there, he is tormented and has to lick our boots while we enjoy making him suffer. We know he is aroused, and he wants to touch his cock. However, that's not permissible as he's only there for our pleasure. All he can do is drool and suffer, as he looks at his two beautiful Mistresses giving him his punishing Caged Tease...
Price: 7.99 €
CUSTOM REQUEST - A cruel twist on a handjob. You put your slave in bondage and give him a very simple task... Don't cum. If he does (and he will) you'll be administering some of your harshest punishment yet to his empty, sensitive balls. You taunt and tease him, milking him until he inevitably spills his filth. You proceed to do your worst using your hands...
Price: 13.99 €
Allora se possibile un joi/cock control dove con il dildo mi dici come segarmi, pero’ non so se conosci qualche tecnica diversa per farmi godere di piu’, non so tipo massaggiarmi le palle o altre cose se le conosci? Vestito latex e stivali rossi
Price: 10.99 €
CUSTOM REQUEST - The owner of a company, she is in her office ready to go out for a business lunch, but is waiting for a delivery and the courier is late, finally the doorbell rings. The delivery guy arrives, he is nervous about waiting as he sees her wearing a pair of knee-high boots jeans, white shirt, fur and sunglasses. Then he gives her the package to sign for and puts it on the ground, obviously trying to touch her beautiful boots from under the desk. Then voluntarily will drop the package so as to try to kiss her boots, but now she realizes this and takes matters into her own hands having understood who she is dealing with. She will make him undress and humiliate him, he is completely at her mercy, she will sit on the desk and cross her legs and will tease the mini penis of her slave while on the phone she will warn of the delay to her lunch because of the delivery man. Her slave's small cock gets hard and she will mock him at the size as it’s impossible to please a woman. Since she doesn't want to waste too much time with such a worm she will order her slave to worship and lick her boots, and if he's good he can even fuck them. Obviously the slave will do his job as well as possible; she will humiliate him, before deciding to reward him. He’ll put his micro penis between her divine boots and painfully try to fuck them from behind. She will try to encourage him to go fast and after a few minutes will cum on her beautiful designer boots. Then mistress makes him lick them clean…
Price: 12.99 €
CUSTOM REQUEST - I'd like your slave to be tied up against a wall with his legs spread, and no way to avoid your interrogation by torment and teasing. Please don't use any props just your bare hands. I'd like you to push him to his limit, whatever that may be. Also, lots of grabbing and squeezing of his balls with different grips. From the top of his sac and tugging down with one nut in each hand from behind. Other things that would be great would be lots of nasty verbal humiliation and teasing. Making fun of his standing throbbing cock, and talking about how you're going to emasculate him, face slapping, spitting etc. I would like to see
him cum painfully with ball squeezing, pulling, slapping and punching etc...
Price: 8.99 €
Today I'm once again joined by my beautiful Mistress friend. We have our slave bound with his arms up and his body dangling. So inviting for us to enjoy ourselves and make our bitch suffer. We don't give him any warm up as we get straight into giving him what he deserves. It nice to see the welts appear quickly, as our alternate stinging and painful strokes make him squeal for mercy. Not today... We are having great fun making our bitch swing and squirm as he tries to escape our beautiful painful Leather Lashes...
Price: 11.99 €
As a second video, Mistress, I would ask you something that plays a lot on the fact that you make me drool ... so I ask you to drive me crazy. Miniskirt, boots, the leather jacket with the zip ... which will drop down to let me see your breasts, red lips ... you playing with your voice and running your tongue over your lips ... you cross your legs sensually, play with the zip and show me ... and in the meantime you tell me that you know I want to be fucked ... but before then ... you want to make my life impossible .... you repeat to me that I can't resist you .... that already in a few months I gave you boots, I pay videos just to get excited ... that every month I give you 200 euros for your vices ... and that you want to make me drool, bringing me close to enjoyment and then stop ... constantly .. ... and ... make me totally dependent on you... and eager to please my Mistress, and that when I am free to move you will turn me on and then fuck me long and hard ...
Price: 6.99 €
ENGLISH SPEAKING - For some time now there is a new rule for my slave: he must suck the dick of all the slaves in my dungeon. Only in this way will he be able to transform herself into a good slut. Before sucking it, he must lick it to savor all its scent. In a few minutes the other slave is ready to cum, and fill my slut's mouth with his sperm, who before being able to leave must clean everything up with her tongue.
Price: 7.99 €
ITALIAN SPEAKING - My Mistress friend and I go back to the dungeon and surprise the slave smelling a pair of my friend's panties. Instead of cleaning the dungeon, as he was ordered, the pervert took advantage of our absence to indulge his basest instincts. We decide to punish him properly: by kicking him in the balls with our boots. We beat him mercilessly, until he collapses under our kicks, and he begs for our mercy. Castration is still the best way to keep a pervert under control!
Price: 16.99 €
CUSTOM REQUEST - The scene opens to find the female slave on the floor on her back with her arms and legs spread eagled and tied down. You enter and tell the slave that you want to trample her and make her suffer under your weight. You begin by victory posing for the camera by placing your heel on the subs chest and pressing it hard. You smile and do poses for the camera for a few mins as you switch feet and press heels into her chest. After a few minutes of posing you remove your heels and stand full weight on her chest with both feet. For several minutes you stand full weight and pose for the camera, giggling and enjoying the slaves pain. You dance, stomp and tease the slave with your amazing body as you trample her chest and tell her things such as "I love standing on you" "Hash tag suffer!" After you have danced full weight on the slave, you crouch down and begin to tickle her armpits whilst keeping both feet, full weight on her chest. The slave begs you stop and after a short time you do. The final part involves you taking a vibrator and standing on the slaves chest again, full weight and begin to pleasure yourself. The slave worships you and you get very aroused at her helplessness and weakness as you orgasm. Finally you stand on her and demand that she sucks your toes for the privilege of being trampled. You place one foot on her mouth and she sucks your toes as you laugh and pose for the camera saying "I win!...
Price: 17.99 €
CUSTOM REQUEST - The plot in the video Mistress wears open stiletto sandals color what she likes. The master ditto, use the slave as a foot rest while you are on the sofa and tease him because he is just a microdot. While Mistress has fun scraping her slaves back. She then decides to fuck him with her strapon. While keeping her slut on his knees, in front of the master. Then she decides to make the slave watch as master is made to ejaculate. Of course, as part of his training the sissy slave has to lick the masters cum off the floor...
Price: 9.99 €
CUSTOM REQUEST - Call me by name again, Shem. Your slave comes to visit you again, this time with the intention of having a confrontation with you on martial arts. You wear a suit suitable for the fight. At first you are quite sociable: “come on let me see let's start, then I'll attack you like this" You make a move you like, and he immediately shows himself clumsy and incapable of his ability to fight. In fact, after two attempts the slave ends up on the floor twice. Then you start teasing him, "and this is because you call yourself a martial arts enthusiast, you're hopless." if possible you often use the Roman dialect, playing the part of the burina instructor). You continue to mock him a bit, even making him believe that he is winning but then you throw him to the floor again. "Look here, you suck!" with feigned amazement. Then you sit down with your ass in his face and say "so are you defending yourself?" He remains motionless. At that point you turn around and smother him with your pussy. Then you decide to let him breathe, and with your bare foot you say “are you okay bitch? All right?" He mumbles a half "yes". She tries to catch him a bit with her bare feet by giving him small and light nudges a bit to stimulate him to fight, but he does nothing. At that point you say “are you pretending nothing happened? Look I'm here eh! I'm here!" Always with the Roman inflection. "But what if I put my ass in your face instead ?!" You pull down your panties and this time you choke him a bit with your bare buttocks. "Nothing an amoeba, you are an amoeba.". Then you provoke him with a couple of light kicks on the cock, and seeing that she doesn't do anything you say “I'm going to hit your cojoni and don't even do anything? You rub your foot between his legs and you realize that he is getting aroused, you scold him saying "that's it I am severely punishing you and you are getting aroused?!" You keep teasing him while performing an excellent footjob that he will remember for life. What a female supremacy lesson...
Price: 11.99 €
You are on vacation with your partner, you decide to hike a high cliff, when you get to the top you communicate to your boyfriend that you want to surprise him, but he must blindly trust you. You put a gag in his mouth, then push him down firmly, and now he finds himself hanging with his hands on the ledge
You tell him you want to get him out as you are with someone else, but since he's been hanging on you can have some fun with him. He starts stepping on his fingers one by one, turning right and left under your sole and you laugh at him as his grip becomes weaker. He cannot ask for help because he is gagged, no one would hear him. As soon as a hand is gone, you decide you want to prolong his agony, take off your shoe, and stamp your fingers on your bare feet in a sexy and lethal way. With each finger you remind him that the end is near, that you will have fun with the money you left him ..... "
For the video you can in case start from when you pushed it down, in case for the shoes also a summer sandal considering the hypothetical vacation ..... What do you think ...?
Price: 9.99 €
ITALIAN SPEAKING - My Mistress friends and I organized a pony gathering. Seven Mistresses and seven ponies. From the start we struggled to get them to march in an orderly manner, and after two rounds of competition my horse won, we broke ranks and marched in random order. Each of us enjoys riding our own pony, spurring it or punishing it with the whip, and having our shoes and boots adored. This gathering will not have served to discover good ponies, but it has entertained us Mistresses.
Price: 13.99 €
CUSTOM REQUEST - A short and thin slave locked in the cage makes the statuesque and strong Mistress Gaia nervous, intent on arranging her dungeon a little in disorder. Mistress Gaia, dressed in a sexy bikini and heels, can no longer bear the slave's moans and so she decides to open the cage to punish him. The slave crawls on the ground, but Mistress Gaia orders him to stand up. Seeing him up, Mistress Gaia cannot help laughing: the slave is short, with few muscles, a carpet in front of the statuesque Mistress, who mocks the slave for his short stature. She puts her hand over his head, humiliates him and gives him a couple of loud slaps so strong that they make the slave turn around on himself. Mistress Gaia is curious to know how much the little man weighs, and so she orders him to get on the scale. Seeing the number appearing on the scales, Mistress Gaia bursts out laughing again: a real twig without muscles. So Mistress Gaia, decides to treat the slave as her toy to be governed with ease: she takes off her shoes and takes him in her arms like a chïld, and carries him around. Of course, the slave is increasingly humiliated by a woman taller and stronger than him. Once put down, Mistress Gaia verbally mocks the little man. She continually lifts him off his legs, and carries him around the room on her shoulders, before finally dragging him of by the arm...
Price: 10.99 €
CUSTOM REQUEST - Slave beatdown clip with ruthless, extreme beatdown. You methodically break down your slave through physical torment. You punch, slap, knee, kick your slave into complete submission and leave him a mess on the floor. You really target his manhood, and use different combos of torment while you've got a firm grip on his balls. You trash talk him, and challenge him to be a man as he has to suffer more for Mistress Gaia...
Price: 14.99 €
CUSTOM RERQUEST - I would like to request a 15 minute intox video please.
You will be wearing leather head to toe with a military Muir type cap, thigh boots and instruct me to take lines / sniff aroma brutally with no quarter given. As your slave I have no option but to comply and will be brutally punished by a severe whipping / caging if I don’t keep up with your pace. You have no sympathy for my predicament or how intoxicated I become, I am there to be mind fucked and to be abused by you. You will encourage me to jerk off during the clip with a countdown again with consequences for non compliance, managing my pace together with the instructions to imbibe lines / aroma. Is this possible ?
If you would recommend a different time frame for the video I am open to your advice.
Price: 13.99 €
CUSTOM REQUEST - Mistress Gaia and one of her master friends trample a slave together. Mistress Gaia is wearing dirty chunky boots and her master friend is wearing dirty shoes as well. The slave is lying naked on his back. Miss Gaia first stands on the slaves chest and bounces on him. Her master friend laughs and kicks the side of the slave. Miss Gaia then invites her master friend to stand on the slave next to her. The Master is hesitant as he has not trampled a slave before. But miss Gaia is keen to see him try so she convinces him that it’s just a worthless slave and it doesn’t matter if he gets hürt. Miss Gaia is standing on the slaves chest while she explains to her Master friend what to do. She tells the Master to stand on the slaves stomach. He steps up and his boots squish the poor slaves belly. The slave is under a lot of pressure with Gaia and her master friend both standing on him at the same time.
Miss Gaia and the master use each other to help balance as they stand on the Squishy slave. They kneed his chest and belly under their boots. Miss Gaia continues to teach the master the art of trampling. Miss Gaia begins to get turned on by the act of trampling a slave with a hot Master by her side. Miss Gaia initiates a kissing session with the Master while they are both standing on the slave. They focus on kissing and forget that his vital organs are straining under their careless feet. Gaia and the Master swap places so the master is on the slaves chest and Gaia is crushing the stomach. They continue to kiss and caress each other. They remove their shoes and continue trampling the slave in socks and barefoot. Making the slave worship their feet and lick them clean. This is the ultimate form of humiliation to be under both a man and a woman’s feet while they laugh and ignore the slave. The trampling session ends when Gaia decides to take the Master into her bedroom for sexual activities...
Price: 12.99 €
ITALIAN SPEAKING - My Mistress friend and I have two slaves to train. One has been whipped before and has his ass marked, the other has his ass spotless. We locked them to the cage and take turns whipping them on the ass. We pick up the pace more and more, and only stop when their asses are on fire. And of course they have to thank us for the treatment they received. They will bear the marks of our lashes on their asses for days!